Rental prices on the rise in Húsavík

Rental prices in Húsavík have doubled in 10 years, according to a report from Gaumur, the sustainability project in Northeast Iceland.

Rental prices have risen steadily since the beginning of Gaumur’s monitoring. In the initial year of monitoring, the average price per square meter was ISK 765. Between 2020 and 2021, the price per square meter increased by 4.5%, from ISK 1,453. to ISK 1,518. The increase over a 10-year period, from 2012-2021, is 108%, or more than double the price per square meter.

The report publishes data on rental prices in Húsavík, but not in smaller urban or rural areas in the area. Information on rental prices is based on the registered lease agreement and there are not enough registered lease agreements in the monitoring area outside Húsavík to be able to publish that data separately.

Photo by Maarten Wijnants